News Archive
(For archived news items)
After some requests we have added gift cards to the site and are now fully stocked with Vortek (with the exception of HW35 kits which will be ordered when available).
15th February '22
Precision Ballistics announce their reintroduction and supply of Vortek Products to the UK, see the announcement here.
31st December '21
Airgun Supremacy gets a New Years Eve squirrel across the pond, Watch it here, and why not subscribe while your there, as there is some more Mako action coming I have been told.
27th December '21
NPC on the squirrels and protecting the local song bird population, watch it here.
14th December '21
PPPC humanely dispatching the rats on the diary farm, am still enjoying the enhanced sound quality and impact noises, watch it here.
29th November '21
Airgun Supremacy review the Mako's in the good ole US of A, Watch it here, and why don't you subscribe and give a like while you are there.
We also found a couple of video's hidden away in the depths of YouTube on The Lead Injections channel see them on our YouTube video's page here.
24th November '21
PPPC & the sheriff have released another video using the Mako's in his mk1 Impact, watch it here.
14th November '21
Another cracking PPPC video, fantastically enhanced with their new audio recorder which really allows you to hear the Mako's hit home watch it here.
9th November '21
Martin of NPC is following the white rabbit , he wouldn't say whether he took the red or blue pill though, see his latest outing here.
6th November '21
PPPC don't seem to be running out of rats anytime soon despite having a new fishy predator in the shape of the Mako's, see their latest video here.
14th October '21
NPC are back in action, out on the rabbits see his latest video here.
30th September '21
Pontypool Pest Control are introducing the Mako's to the rats on the Pig farm here. They seem to be suffering the same sort of allergic reaction as all of the other rats.
25th September '21
With the aid of a new thermal spotter Pontypool Pest Control start heating things up for the local rats using the Mako's here.
16th September '21
Pontypool Pest Control continue handing out eviction notices using the Mako's on their YouTube channel here.
10th September '21
Pontypool Pest Control has started feeding their local rat population a diet of Mako's see their latest upload on their YouTube channel here.
21st August '21
Pontypool Pest Control continue their testing of the Mako's abilities comparing them against the devilish Hades on their YouTube channel here.
21st August '21
Pontypool Pest Control continue their exploration of the abilities of the Mako's in an FX Impact mk1, watch them evict some bunnies their YouTube channel here, and don't forget to add a like on our behalf.
12th August '21
Thanks to client recommendations Pontypool Pest Control have got hold of the Mako's and have been out testing, see their initial results on their YouTube channel here, and why not subscribe while you are there!!
10th August '21
We have added further information to our guide Getting the best from your Makos, find it here.
9th August '21
We have created a new Facebook page, we will be adding content and growing the page in between fulfilling orders. Drop by and say hi, just click the Facebook link at the top of the page.
29th July '21
AirgunWorld have released the review of the Mako's by Gary Wain online (originally published in the July'21 issue), you can read it here.
24th July '21
Added the new Precision Ballistics Reticule / Scope Assist Cards into our accessory section, it goes without saying that for every packet of Mako's you order you will receive one of these FoC and as for our loyal repeat clients, if you want some, just let us know on your next order.
12th July '21
Added Clients Corner to the website - This will consist of pictures, video's and YouTube reviews all supplied by our clients. Find it here.
30th June '21
Airgun Sniper-Elite revisits the Mako's @ 30/50 yards through 3 of his other guns here.
22/23rd June '21
Airgun Sniper-Elite unboxes his new Mako's here, then reviews and demonstrates the Mako's abilities on his YouTube channel, drop by and see for yourself.
6th June '21
We have introduced a new section to the website, how to maximise your results using your Precision Ballistic Mako Slugs, available here.
2nd June '21
Read the excellent Gary Wain article about the Mako's in the July '21 issue of AirGunWorld (pages 62-64) available today.
28th May '21
See the Mako at work, Martin of Notts Pest Control using the Mako's to deadly effect on Rabbits and Corvids on his YouTube channel. Visit his channel and see him in action, and why not subscribe while you are there!!
Precision Ballistics are now shipping internationally, please use the request form so that we can give you personal attention.